Just another Saturday afternoon broadcast....



collection of Metropolitan Opera radio broadcasts from Rudolf Bing's first decade as General Manager, 1950 to 1960


In hommage, I am making available on the web all casts of the Metropolitan Opera Saturday afternoon broadcasts from the decade of 1950. This was one of a few best decades of the house's history IMHO (this site is more complete than the Met's).

On the left, you will see the list of seasons. Click on the season and that season's broadcast operas will appear on the right. Then click an opera and the cast will appear in this, the larger window in the middle. Also, you can browse the decade of broadcasts via opera by clicking on the opera's name which takes you to the next performance of that opera.

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Special thanks to Lynn, Jeanne, Sophie, Sharon, Jane, Jeremy, Stella, Joe, David, Saul, Hank, Manuel, Kenn, Paul and Roger for all of their help, advice, support and patience